Agreement to the Terms of Use The LoveRay application (hereinafter referred to as “LoveRay”) and its services (hereinafter referred to as the “Service”) are provided based on the following terms (hereinafter referred to as the “Terms”). LoveRay (hereinafter referred to as “the Company”) reserves the right to change the Terms and individual usage agreements (hereinafter referred to as the “Agreements”) at any time without prior notice to customers, as deemed necessary by the Company. The revised Terms and Agreements shall take effect from the time they are posted on the Company’s website, and customers shall be deemed to have agreed to the revised Terms and Agreements. When using the Service, please refer to the most up-to-date version of the Terms and Agreements as needed.

Customers are required to review the content of these Terms before using each service and agree to abide by them. If customers do not agree to these Terms, they may not use the Service. Customers will be considered to have agreed to the content of these Terms from the moment they begin using the Service and become LoveRay users (hereinafter referred to as “Users”).
Compliance with Laws Customers must comply with Japanese laws when using the Service. Customers are responsible for securely managing their passwords if they choose to register one for the use of the Service. The Company may consider all actions taken using the registered password as the actions of the customer themselves. Customers are responsible for all actions taken using their registered password, and any consequences thereof. In the event that a customer’s actions violate the law and result in civil or criminal liability, the customer themselves will bear all responsibility.

The Company may suspend the provision of the Service without prior notice if it determines that a customer’s speech or actions violate the law.

Obligation to Sign In To use the Service, customers are required to register their phone number or email address and sign in. In this case, please enter information that is not prohibited and not unregistered for the Service. The Company may change the format of account sign-in and registration without prior notice based on user requests or product demand.

The LoveRay series of apps are community apps that use GPS functionality. To open an account and use the service, customers must turn on the “Read your location information” function button. Successful sign-in implies that the customer has granted permission for the Company to access their location information. If a customer does not wish to disclose their location information to other users, they must adjust the settings themselves.

Depending on the method of signing in to the LoveRay account, customers agree that the Company may automatically collect data related to the provided phone number, mobile device identification code, and use it for sign-in. If certain features, such as location information services, are enabled in the settings of mobile phones or other devices, customers agree that the Company may import their contact information and enable app functionality. Customers can turn off the “Read contacts” button in the settings at any time.

Upon signing in to the Service and while using it, the Company may identify and collect user data to provide better services. The data collected by the Company may include the user’s name, gender, age, date of birth, ID number, address, occupation, affiliation, hobbies, frequent locations, personal introductions, and more. The Company will handle this data with care and in accordance with the restrictions specified in these Terms.

Customers must accurately enter their phone number, email address, password, and username when using the Service. Furthermore, when updating their profiles in the future, customers must input legal information. If a customer enters illegal, morally objectionable, or information deemed unfair by the Company, the Company may suspend or delete that account and may refuse further use of the Service. The Company bears no responsibility for the information registered by customers. The Company’s disclaimer includes the responsibility to verify the truth, accuracy, appropriateness, and completeness of customer information.

In accordance with the law, the text, images, and other content published or transmitted through the Service, regardless of whether it is public or private, are the sole responsibility of the customer. The Service merely provides a platform for customers to publish and store content, and the Company cannot control the content itself. Therefore, the Company cannot guarantee the accuracy, completeness, or quality of the content. Please be aware that when using the Service, there may be unpleasant expressions or inappropriate content. The Company is not responsible for the content. However, the Company reserves the right to investigate and report inappropriate content to relevant authorities.

Certainly, here is the translation of the provided terms into English:

4. Account After successfully signing in to the service, you can log in to your LoveRay account using your phone number or email address and password. It is your responsibility to maintain the security of your account. Any actions taken using the registered password will be considered as your own. Please agree to the following points: In the event of any loss or damage caused by your mismanagement of the account and password or if it causes harm to a third party, we shall not be liable. You are responsible for all aspects of your account and password.

5. Non-commercial Use by Users Under no circumstances should the service be used for commercial, advertising, promotional, solicitation, or other profit-oriented purposes. However, this does not apply to companies authorized by us. The service is for personal use only. Unlawful or unauthorized use is prohibited. Gathering other users’ information to send spam or forwarding links without permission is also prohibited. If we believe that you are in violation of or may violate these terms, we may remove advertisements, links, images, etc., from your profile or take other necessary and appropriate measures without prior notice. We may also deactivate or suspend your account. If we determine that you are using the service in violation of these terms, we will take necessary and appropriate actions.

6. Protection of User’s Personal Information When opening an account or using the service, you may provide information about yourself (e.g., information required by laws and regulations to prove your identity). If the user information you have registered is incomplete or unsuitable according to the law, you may not be able to use the service or may be subject to restrictions. Personal information refers to a user’s identity and private information, such as a user’s real name, identification number from an insurance card, mobile phone number, IP address, chat history, etc. Non-personal information refers to data that objectively records a user’s actions and usage habits reflected on our computer terminal, data outside the scope of personal information, and information for which user consent has been obtained. We take maximum care to secure and protect the information collected from you to prevent the leakage, damage, or loss of your important personal information collected through the service. In the event of or the potential for such incidents occurring, we will take immediate measures. We will not disclose your personal information to third parties without your permission unless:
Required by law or instructions from relevant authorities.
Personal information leakage occurs due to you sharing your account password with others or sharing the same account with others, or in other circumstances (excluding situations caused by us).
You voluntarily disclose personal information to third parties.
You and us (our affiliated partners) have reached an agreement to disclose your personal information.
Unforeseeable accidents or incidents of force majeure occur, such as attacks by hackers, virus intrusions, and other situations, resulting in the leakage of your personal information. Please agree to us using your personal information in the following situations:
When we send important notices to you, such as user or app updates, changes to these terms, etc.
When we conduct statistical analysis, data analysis, research, etc., internally to improve our services, product quality, and communication with users.
In accordance with these terms, when we manage, review, and take measures regarding your information.
For other matters that comply with applicable laws, etc.

7. Prohibited Activities The following actions are prohibited when using the service.
Please ensure that you do not engage in illegal or unfair activities to use the service:
(1) Posting/transmitting content that includes the following expressions:
Expressions that violate the basic principles of the constitution.
Expressions that harm national security, reveal state secrets, overthrow the state’s political power, or disrupt national unity.
Expressions that damage the honor and interests of the nation.
Expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, lineage, etc., and incite hatred and discrimination between ethnic groups, undermining ethnic unity.
Expressions that solicit religious activities or religious organizations, which have a negative impact on the state’s religious policies.
Expressions that include falsehoods, disrupt social order, and disrupt social stability.
Excessive violent expressions, explicit sexual expressions, expressions that induce or encourage suicide, self-harm, drug abuse, and other anti-social content that causes discomfort to others.
Harassment, slander, and malicious actions aimed at harassing others and infringing on others’ legitimate rights.
Expressions containing false information; fraudulent, harmful, obscene, rude, libelous, etc., expressions; expressions that infringe on others’ privacy; or expressions contrary to morals.
Expressions containing content prohibited by Japanese laws, etc., or content deemed inappropriate by us.

(2) Violating others’ legitimate rights:
Impersonating others or falsely claiming to have a relationship with others or relevant institutions.
Posting/transmitting information or data (e.g., internal information, proprietary information, confidential information) to which you do not have rights under the law, contract, or trust relationship.
Infringing on others’ copyrights and posting/transmitting information or data (e.g., internal information, proprietary information, confidential information) to which you do not have rights.
Engaging in activities related to “spamming” (including instant messaging spam), “phishing scams,” “trolling,” or similar activities, or other activities that we deem as spam.
Sending/transmitting viruses, time bombs, Trojan horses, cancelbots, worms, or other harmful or disruptive code, components, or devices designed to disrupt or limit the functioning of computer software, hardware, or communication devices, or material containing such code.
Engaging in actions that disrupt our servers or network systems, interrupt or destroy other computer software, hardware, or communication devices, or send electronic mail or materials containing viruses or other harmful or disruptive code.
Stalking or harassing other users.

Deliberately or unintentionally violating valid laws, regulations, and other norms in your region or country.

Collecting, deleting, altering, or using personal information, emails, and other data or materials of other users for unauthorized purposes without our permission.
Pretending to be a child.

Engaging in actions or content that violate public order and morals, such as solicitation of compensated dating or sexual crimes, discriminatory expressions, etc.
Recommending businesses such as financial products, investments, and pyramid schemes to users without permission. You acknowledge that we have full control over your use of the service. However, while using the service, you are responsible for making your own judgments and bearing all risks and responsibilities. We may remove content that violates these terms or other inappropriate content at our discretion. We may be required to save or post content for the following purposes:
To comply with laws and regulations.
To enforce these terms.
To respond to claims of third-party rights.
To protect the integrity and safety of the service, other users, and public property.
For other purposes deemed necessary by us. 8. Use on the International Stage Understand the unlimited nature of the internet and comply with the laws and regulations regarding the internet in your area. Please strictly adhere to the laws and regulations of Japan or the country/region in which you are located.

9. Posting of Content In these terms, the “LoveRay Service Public Use Area” refers to areas that are accessible to general customers. You must ensure that the content you post is legal and does not infringe on copyrights or the interests of third parties. By posting content, you automatically grant us the right to use it free of charge, indefinitely, without territorial restrictions.

10. Compensation You agree that if we incur any direct or indirect damages (including attorney’s fees) as a result of your use of the LoveRay service, including claims from third parties arising from such use, you must immediately compensate LoveRay, its parent company, related companies, brands, agents, and other employees in accordance with our claims. You will be considered responsible for all legal obligations.

11. Use of the Service You must not use the service beyond the intended usage outlined by LoveRay (including actions such as reproduction, transmission, reprinting, modification, and commercial use). Please agree that LoveRay has the right to impose restrictions or take measures regarding your use of the service. LoveRay will save information such as the content you have posted, the time of posting, and the number of logins to the service during a certain period. However, if content, data, etc., posted or transmitted through the service is deleted or disappears due to user error or other reasons, LoveRay will not be held responsible. Additionally, LoveRay may take such restrictions or measures without prior notice. Please acknowledge these points.

12. Modification of the Service LoveRay may change or discontinue all or part of the content of the service at any time without prior notice if it deems it necessary. In such cases, LoveRay will not be responsible to users or third parties.

13. Suspension of the Service LoveRay may suspend the use of your account or the LoveRay service (including other services) at its discretion for any reason (not limited to these reasons) or if it determines that you are in violation of the content or spirit of the terms. If LoveRay believes that you have violated or may violate these terms, it may suspend or delete your account without prior notice and may delete various information and documents included in your account or prohibit your use of the service. Even if the service is interrupted or terminated or your account or other

14. Warranty and Guarantee Please clearly understand and agree to the following:
LoveRay will not be responsible for any personal injury or intentional serious loss incurred by you.
The risk associated with using the LoveRay service is solely your responsibility. We provide the service “as is” and do not offer any explicit or implied guarantees or warranties. This includes but is not limited to guarantees related to merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, ownership, and non-infringement.
LoveRay cannot guarantee the following:
That the service will meet your requirements.
That the service will operate without interruption, delay, or defects, and that it will operate safely.
That the results obtained from using the service will be correct.
That any products, services, information, or other information obtained through the service will meet your expectations.
LoveRay will not guarantee any advice or information obtained through the service, whether in writing or orally, unless explicitly stated in these terms.

15. Principle of Self-Responsibility With your understanding and consent, LoveRay will not be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, derivative, or punitive damages, including but not limited to loss of profits, reputation, applications, loss of data, or other intangible losses, resulting from:
The use or unavailability of the service.
Replacement or the cost of purchasing or obtaining all goods, data, information, services, messages received, or transactions entered into through or from the service.
Unauthorized access to or alteration of your transmission data or statements or conduct of third parties via the service.
Any other matter related to the service (unless there is a clear provision in these terms).
LoveRay will not be responsible for any economic losses resulting from fraudulent information disseminated by third parties or losses induced by users in any way.

16. LoveRay Trademarks All rights to LoveRay’s trademarks, symbols, product names, service names, and other markings registered by LoveRay belong to LoveRay (“LoveRay Marks”). You must not display, use, process, or otherwise deal with the LoveRay in any form or claim them as your rights without prior written permission from LoveRay.

17. Applicable Law These terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with Japanese law.

18. Specific Business Law This service is only available to individuals aged 18 and older (excluding high school students). Age determination is based on the date of birth provided at the time of registration and self-declaration by the individual. LoveRay does not guarantee that all members of this service are always 18 years of age or older. If a violation is discovered after registration, LoveRay reserves the right to invalidate the membership. LoveRay will not be liable for any damages incurred by users as a result of this invalidation.
I hope this helps! If you have any more text to translate or any other questions, feel free to ask.