To maintain a healthy ecosystem and ensure the legitimate rights and a positive user experience for users of the LoveRay app (hereinafter referred to as “LoveRay”), it is essential to comply with laws and regulations set forth by the government. When using LoveRay, users must adhere to the “LoveRay User Behavior Guidelines” (“these Guidelines”).

I. Principles

1. Users must abide by current laws and regulations while engaging on LoveRay. LoveRay’s culture adheres to relevant laws and the rules set forth by the contracting parties to address any violations.
2. This guideline is part of the “User Agreement.” Please make sure to read the Guidelines thoroughly before using LoveRay and ensure you understand the content of each clause adequately. Failure to accept all the contents of this guideline means you cannot use LoveRay. Using LoveRay implies accepting this Guideline and acknowledging consent to be bound by its content.
3. LoveRay users must confirm their eligibility to use the platform by providing valid identification documents, such as a driver’s license or identification card, to prove they have reached the minimum age requirement (18+). LoveRay reserves the right to refuse service to users who do not meet this requirement.

II. Usage Guidelines

The following behaviors are strictly prohibited on this service. Engaging in illegal or unfair activities is not allowed when using this service.

1. Misuse:

– Expressions that violate the fundamental principles of the constitution, harm national security, disclose state secrets, overthrow the government, or disrupt national unity are strictly prohibited.
– Expressions that violate Japanese laws and regulations or expressions deemed inappropriate by the Company are prohibited.

2. Harassment:

– Expressions intended to harass or defame other users, infringe on the legitimate rights of others, or engage in any behavior that harms others are strictly prohibited.

3. Discrimination:

– Expressions that lead to discrimination based on race, nationality, creed, gender, social status, caste, or expressions that incite ethnic hatred or discrimination and disrupt ethnic unity are strictly prohibited.

4. Violence and False Information:

– Expressions that are excessively violent, explicit sexual content, encourage or promote suicide, self-harm, drug abuse, or other antisocial content that causes discomfort to others are prohibited.
– Expressions that include false information, fraud, harmful content, obscenity, rudeness, defamation, invasion of privacy, or expressions contrary to morals are strictly prohibited.
– Expressions containing lies that disrupt social order and destroy social stability are prohibited.

5. Religion and Propagation Activities:

– Solicitation of religious activities or religious groups that have a negative impact on the state’s religious policy is prohibited.
– Selling financial products, investments, pyramid schemes, or similar activities to users without permission is strictly prohibited.

6. Prostitution and Acts Aimed at Sexual Satisfaction:

– Advertising or promoting sexual services for profit, human trafficking, or other acts that coerce or encourage sexual acts are strictly prohibited.
– Soliciting financial gain, coercion, or exploitation in the name of romantic feelings, sexual desires, or engaging in activities related to sugar dating or compensated dating are prohibited.
– Posting content of a nude or sexual nature, explicit sexual content, or content explicitly intended for sexual purposes is prohibited.
– Accounts engaging in such activities will be deleted upon detection.

III. Usage Restrictions

Registration and use of LoveRay are prohibited for individuals under the age of 18. Users must provide valid identification documents, such as a driver’s license image, to verify their age during registration. Users in committed relationships or married are not allowed to use LoveRay.